New Family Registration

Welcome to the 2024/25 school year!

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Hungarian School

The Hungarian schools have been operating under a regular education curriculum, which are built on each other. At age fourth a child can start kindergarten. School-age children are primarily learning about Hungarian history, geography and literature and are prepared for the patrol leaders exam. Children are diveded by classes based on the teaching committee's decision. More information at Hungarian School page.

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Scouts Program

The Scouts are fall in 4-6 patrols. The children are trained by patrol leaders. The patrols divided into age groups squad. Each squad has a Assistant Scout Master, a youth who has been scout since childhood. Each Assistant Scout Master is help out by a teacher. Thus, not only the children, but the leaders also continue to evolve and gain useful experience.

Our Scout troops and school is non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductable. Please make checks for :
Hungarian Scout Troops 43. & 77.

Important information:

Post Address:
3130 Alpine Road Suite #288-177,
Portola Valley, CA 94028


Our scouts and teachers are meeting on Sundays marked in our calendar. Our programs are devided into two sections:

San Francisco Hungrian Scouts and School

12:30pm - 2:30pm
Hungarian School
2:30pm - 2:45pm
2:45pm - 5:30pm
Hungarian Scouts Program



Our Address


Woodside Priory School

302 Portola Rd

Portola Valley, CA 94028

Post Address:

Hungarian Scout Troops

3130 Alpine Road, Suite #288-177

Portola Valley, CA 94028

Web site contact: